Friday, March 20, 2009

Preschool Party

On Wednesday, February 11th, I went to school with Ronan for his Valentine party. This was always my favorite holiday when I was a teacher, so it brought back a lot of memories from my years at EEP. (: I love all of the heart decorations and cards (& goodies!). Ronan's teacher, Miss Julie, is awesome! She is so great with the kids and always has such fun and creative ideas. During the party, each kid got to dip strawberries in chocolate and sprinkles, and later eat them along with ice cream sundaes. Lot of sugar for a room full of 4 year olds (at 10:00 in the morning), but it was a special day. (:

Ronan focusing on his strawberry dipping.

Ice cream in the morning--a dream come true!

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