Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mother's Day-part 1

I had a very nice Mother's Day this year celebrating with my sweet family and most of our extended family. It started off kind of mellow because Griffin and I stayed home from church because he was getting over a cold. When Josh and Ronan came home they surprised me with a bouquet of flowers from each of my boys.
Josh also got me this really pretty pearl bracelet.
Next we went to my parent's house to have lunch and celebrate with all of the moms on the Hecht side of the family. Papa barbecued London Broil steak and we all brought side dishes to share. It was a beautiful day, so we got to eat and play in the backyard.
Photo shoot with my boys:

The Moms with our Mom. (:
Becca and her kids
Katrina and her two boys!

1 comment:

hechtr said...

I really enjoyed these Mothers' Day and my birthday posts and the events themselves were AWESOME! blessed and lucky are we!