Friday, October 23, 2009

Our Little Swimmers

Our boys love the water and get so excited whenever they get the chance to go swimming! On August 19th, the Kecks invited us over to play & swim in their big "kiddie" pool. The four boys had a great time swimming and playing with squirt guns, and Melissa & I got to visit with each other while we watched them play. It was a very nice summer day!
Griffin & Christian
Kaiser and my boys
light saber wars
After swimming and eating lunch the boys played dress-up with Kaiser & Christian's cool costumes!
Later that afternoon, we got to go swimming again! This time we met up with Kelly & her boys at the Hayman's pool. It was neat seeing Griffin getting more comfortable swimming in the "big pool" with just his water wings on. Ronan could touch along the edges of the pool, so he practiced diving for toys at the bottom of the pool.
Ronan swimming under water
Warming up in the not-too-hot tub. (:
This is a random picture, but it happened to be that same day & I wanted to remember how much our boys like guitars. (: They were both so focused on trying to play along with a song we were listening to.

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