Monday, February 11, 2008

Lovey Dovey

On Friday, Josh's mom and grandparents came by for a quick visit. Ronan had been pretending all morning that he was an animal in a cage at a pet store. He ate his breakfast in this box and wanted me to buy was pretty cute. When G&G Lovey Dovey (as Ronan calls them) came over he was still in his cage, so Gr. Grandpa played along with him (:
Griffin was content just sitting in Grammie's lap. He was acting shy toward Great Grandpa and Great Grammie, so Grammie's lap was his "safe" place.
Then, we all walked through the new house together. Griffin was still unsure about being held by Gr. Grandpa...
But, soon enough Griffin went to him and did fine.

1 comment:

Katrina Henry said...

Lovey Dovey? That's really cute. :)