Thursday, January 17, 2008

Cousin Time

Our Moms of Grace group was canceled on Tuesday, so Becca invited us over to play. We had a good time visiting with each other and the kids played really well together! Sadie is a year older that Ronan and Cohen is a year older than's been fun seeing Griffin and Cohen become buddies just like Ronan and Sadie did when they were 1 &2 year olds (:

The kids decided to dress up in costumes. Griffin thought they were funny and he was very curious about Caterpillar Sadie.
However, he did not like being dressed as a Ballerina Bear!
After playing with toys in almost every room of the house, they all cuddled up together in Sadie's bed. They were really being sooo sweet to one another (that doesn't always happen as you can imagine)!

1 comment:

Kenton Henry said...

Poor Griffin! He didn't want to be a Ballerina Bear! :( Cute pictures. I still can't get over how quickly progress is being made on your house. Neato! :P