Saturday, January 19, 2008


Rather that putting regular house wrap under the siding of the house, Josh decided to go with Polyiso Insulation to create a more energy-efficient home. He put a few sheets up on Wednesday after work, then my dad came over last night and today to help out. It seems like a big job, but they are making good progress. He hopes to get all of the insulation up (& tape the seams) before it rains again. Everything has finally dried out inside the house, so his timing might be perfect!
My dad worked on taping the seams.

Josh nailed up the sheets of insulation.

My mom came along last night to hang out with me (: and help out with Ronan and Griffin. They loved having Memaw and Papa over! Today my mom took the kids to her house for a few hours to give me a little break. It was nice (:

A few other little details:
Our framers worked on the covered entryway last week (the posts are temporary supports).
We now have concrete in the garage.


Kenton Henry said...

I like your silver house! It's cool!

Jon and Amy said...

Wow! I need to come over and see your house with my own eyes- I just can't believe how far it has come! :) Good Job guys! :)

Jesse and Carolyn said...

Hey Gretchen! I love hearing updates on your house. It's amazing watching how fast it's being put up! Is there anyway you could put up a copy of the blue prints so we could take a sort-of digital tour of the house? Anyhow, it looks great!
